quarta-feira, outubro 29, 2008

CINE ECO 2008 - Prémios


(The winners will also receive a certificate and a trophy - “Campânula”)

Environmental Great Award (Seia City Council Prize),
Under the value of EUR 3,750, given to the best among all the works presented to
all categories of the competition concerning Environment:
"Em Construção" (Under Construction), by Zhenchen Liu (France, 2008)

“Environmental Education” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to the best work concerning the general subject
of the competition, under an educational point of view.
"Desertos em Movimento - Europa"
(Wüsten im Yormarsch - Europa Deserts on the Move – Europe),
by Ingo Herbst, (Germany, 2007);

“Environmental Anthropology” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to the best work promoting the subject
of human insertion in its daily way of life.
"Os Olhos Fechados da América Latina" (Los Ojos Cerrados de America Latina
The Closed Eyes of Latin America), by Miguel Mirra (Argentina, 2007);

“The Value of Residues” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to the best work concerning
the subject of the utility of waste.
"Cemitérios digitais" (Digital Cimiteries Digital Cimiteries),
by Yorgos Avgeropoulos (Greece, 2007);

“Pólis” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to the best work
promoting the subject of urban qualifying and environmental value.
“O Estádio Verde" (Der Prater – Ein Wilde Geschichte The Green Stadium), by Manfred Corrine (Austria, 2007);

“Water” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to the best work
concerning the subject of watery resources.
"Desenvolvimento Hidrográfico – Tratamento de Áreas em Sulcos" (Jalagam Vikas – Mitti Ke Bandh Watershed Development – Earthen Dams) by Pinky Brahma Choudhury, Shobhit Jain (India, 2007);

“Natural Life” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to the best work
promoting the subject of Nature’s preservation and biodiversity.
“Jaglavak, Príncipe dos Insectos” (Jaglavak, Prince of Insects),
by Jerôme Raynaud (França, 2007)

“Non-professional Video” Award,
under the value of EUR 600, given to
the best non-professional work presented to the competition.
"Não Há Terra para os Pinguins" (No Pinguin's Land No Pinguin's Land),
by Barelli Marcel, (Switzerland, 2008);

“Camacho Costa” Award
under the value of EUR 600, given to the film that best expresses the environmental issues, using the means of humour or poetry.
"Um Sentimento Maravilhoso" (A Sense of Wonder A Sense of Wonder)
by Christopher Monger (USA, 2008);

Honorary Certificates
"Os Profetas do Clima" (Die Wetterpropheten The Weatherprophets)
by Christoph Felder (Germany, 2007);

"Correntes – Por Amor à Água" (Flow, for Love of Water Flow, for Love of Water)
by Irena Salina (USA, 2008);


Special Prize for Lusophony,
under the value of EUR 2,500, given to the best
work produced and directed in a Portuguese speaking Country.
Juruna", (O Espírito da Floresta Juruna, The Spirit of the Forest)
by Armando Sampaio Lacerda (Brazil, 2008);

Honorary Certificate
"A Luz dos Meus Dias" (A Luz dos Meus Dias The Light of my Days)
by Anabela Saint-Maurice (Portugal, 2008);

"dot.com" (dot.com dot.com) by Luís Galvão Teles (Portugal, 2007);

"A Grande Aventura" (A Grande Aventura The Great Adventure)
by Francisco Manso (Portugal, 2008);

(only Certificate)

Youth Great Award
"Under Construction" – "Em Construção" (France, 2008) by Zhenchen Liu.

"Earth" Award
"Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives: The Envirommental Impact of War" –
"Terras Feridas, Vidas de Dor" (USA, 2007) by Alice T. Day e Lincoln H. Day,

"Alert" Award
"Digital Cemiteries" – "Cemitérios Digitais" (Grécia, 2007) by Yorgos Avgeropoulos

Honorary Certificate
"The Women at Clayoquot"- "As Mulheres de Clayoquot" (Canada, 2008) by Shelley Wine.

(only Certificate)
"Cine'Eco on the Move" Award
"Desertos em Movimento - Europa" (Wüsten im Yormarsch - Europa Deserts on the Move – Europe), (Germany, 2007) by Ingo Herbst;

Honorary Certificate
“The Phantom” - "O Fantasma” (Portugal, 2008), by Colectivo / Abi Feijó
"Under Construction" – "Em Construção" (France, 2008) by Zhenchen Liu

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